SEO for vets - two simple concepts

Posted in: Articles

Posted on: 15 January 2014

My favourite two ways when thinking about SEO for vets comes down to two simple concepts. They are:

1. Local SEO
Why do people search for vets online? Two of the most common answers are either 1) the pet owner has just moved into the area and are looking for a vet nearby, or 2) that the person has lived in the area for a long time, but has just acquired a new pet.

It is therefore absolutely essential that your veterinary practice comes up in Local Search! Obtaining a Google Places account has to be the first and foremost priority SEO step that every veterinary practice should take.

2. Expert SEO
Although generally people are searching for vets in their local area, some people will be searching for something more specific. For example, if their cat has an unusual condition they might be looking for a vet with expertise in that condition. Or if a person owns a rare species, such as a Veiled chameleon, they might be looking for a vet who specialises in exotics.

Someone once told me that there was only one specialised reptilian vet in London, and for each visit she had to travel 7 miles to see him. This has clearly changed in recent times, but the principle remains the same. Your client may well be prepared to travel quite a significant distance just to find you, but first they need to know you exist!

What if someone has just been told their dog has an untreatable condition? This is another reason they might consider searching for a vet - perhaps they want a second opinion or you may have specialist treatment options.

So even if you have "Local SEO" covered, what about "Expert SEO"? How are these people going to find you if they are physically many miles away? This all comes down to being expert / specific. If you or one of your members of staff is brilliant in a particular field, perhaps keyhole surgery or bird behaviour, then make sure you showcase these skills on your website! The more specific your content, the better. There are lots of veterinary practices out there - the key is to make sure yours stands out!

If you're struggling to know how exactly to capitalise on your own veterinary team's skills through SEO, just get in touch as we'd be delighted to help. 


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